Hello, my name is Nasra.
I am currently enrolled in my second year of a Master of Professional Engineering course – and I love it! I recently did an internship with the Microelectronics Research Group at UWA, and I’m inspired now to pursue a career in programming when I graduate.
This year will be my fifth year as a student caller with the UWA Alumni Fund. I feel very privileged that graduates share their stories about UWA and their life after graduation. I also feel a strong connection to our community and am inspired to give back myself. Right now, I am Education Vice President of the Makers Club, where students work together on their innovative projects.
I’m proud that, through the Alumni Fund, I help support students and the student experience. I feel a bond with the graduates I call – like we’re all part of the same UWA community.
My fellow callers and I will be in touch again this year, to let you know how you can support students and the student experience at UWA, opening up pathways to success.
We look forward to speaking with you about the Alumni Fund soon!
UWA Alumni Fund – 2017 Appeal
Who do we call?
Graduates of The University of Western Australia.
When are we calling?
Wednesday 3rd May through to Tuesday 15th August.
Why are we calling?
To connect you in the UWA community and invite you to participate in your Alumni Fund – supporting students at UWA.
Where are we calling from?
University Hall, UWA (formerly Currie Hall).
Our calling number is 08 6389 9099.
What are we funding?
- Equity scholarships for students from regional or remote areas.
- Fairway - a UWA access and academic support program for disadvantaged high-school students aiming for university education.
- Project grants that enhance the student experience at UWA.
- Scholarships in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the School of Medicine.
Thank you for your support of world-changing education, student futures and community prosperity.
If you would prefer to not receive a call at this time, please let us know here.